A great man once said , "If you take all the money in the world and distribute them equally among people. After a while, all the money will go back to their original owners. " Why? The poor are mainly consumers, and the rich are mainly investors. Show me a POOR man , and I'll show you a man who P - Passes O - Over O - Opportunities R - Repeatedly . A man who sees challenges in every opportunity instead of seeing opportunity in every challenge. Being a MAN is not a title; it's a responsibility. It means you have to answer financially in the M - Morning A - Afternoon and N - Night. You must take great risks to receive greater rewards. You must plan and strategize, you must value profit, not wages, you must be focused, and you must be determined if you want good success. *"The worst people on earth to serve are the POOR PEOPLE "* POOR: *meaning* "Passing Over Opportunities Repeatedly" *See the reasons below:* 1)Give them for free; they will think it ...
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